[PV Talk] Transmitting savoir-faire: a new challenge

12 February, 4pm

🎧 🇫🇷 Talk in French with English translation available
Don’t forget your earphones!

Celebrating savoir-faire! The central theme of this edition, savoir-faire takes center stage in the programme.

Transmettre le savoir-faire nouveau défi

The transmission of skills and savoir-faire is about learning, preservation, and ultimately, appeal. It takes years to master these skills, and younger generations have to be encouraged to perpetuate them.

What is the future of such skilled know-hows? How do they resonate with young people, and how do we talk to them? How is such knowledge transmitted? How do you convey a knowledge that is at once tangible and intangible?

30-minute + 15-min Q&A session talk in French (English translation available) with:

  • Alexandre Samson, Head of the Haute Couture and Contemporary Creation departments / Galiera Museum
  • Caroline Perdrix, Co-founder of the Itinérance association, Clothing and textile designer, Co-founder of the TABLE brand
  • Vincent BreaudProduction Manager / Sandro
  • Augustin Letellier, CMO / Sandro
  • Colette Depeyre, Academic program manager ENAMOMA-PSL, holder of the Responsible Textile Sector Chair
  • Cédric Dalmasso, Director of the Scientific Management Center at Mines Paris – PSL
  • Agnès Etame Yescot, Coordinator of the Savoir Pour Faire campaign
  • Talk moderated by Sandrine Pannetier, Consultant in foresight and creation

Please note there will be no replay of the talks after the show.

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