Première Vision Commits to Greening its Events

Première Vision actively engages in a range of CSR initiatives, with a view to minimising its ecological footprint and maximising its social impact. From everyday eco-gestures to the recovery of materials used at PV shows and collaborations with associations and companies, discover an overview of our ongoing efforts to produce ever more sustainable events.

Première Vision: A Sustainably-Minded Events Organiser

Démontage salon PVP Fev 24

When it comes to organising events, the impact on the environment is considerable. In turn, the challenge for Première Vision lies in optimising the environmental and social impact of its shows, both directly (such as sales generated and business contracts) and indirectly (benefits for event production companies, transport, hospitality, tax benefits, etc.).

Key figures for the Première Vision Paris February 2024 edition

4 125 kg of materials recovered, including:
440 kg polycarbonate panels (plastic)
1 020 kg of metals
12 484 eq kgCO2 of emissions avoided (equivalent to 83 Paris-Marseille car trips or 46,237 liters of bottled water).*
*Source Muto

One Event: Multiple Impacts and Numerous Participants

To reduce the environmental impact of our PV events, we implement targeted initiatives with our suppliers and subcontractors. Our actions are guided by three principles: reduce, recycle and reuse. We offer stands made from sustainable materials and designed to be reused, for instance, to optimise transport and storage.

“As an example, our stands are designed to be used for seven years, or 14 editions of the Première Vision Paris show. These stands and furniture are stored close to where the show is held, less than 15 km from Villepinte. We have also opted for LED lighting to optimise our energy consumption.”

– Anne Fredet, Operation Director, Première Vision

Eco-Design, an Omnipresent Concept in the Preparation of our Shows

When it comes to producing our events, eco-design is front of mind. We think about the second life of each element from the design stage, choosing materials that can be reused or recycled, and favoring assemblies that can be dismantled. We also make recommendations to our builders to encourage reuse: for example, we prefer to use screws instead of glue for assembly.

“By February 2022, we had recycled over 11 tonnes of wood and 8 tonnes of decor from our forums, giving them a second life.”

– Anne Fredet, Operation Director, Première Vision

We also integrate an eco-minded approach for our choice of consumables, such as signage, carpets, cladding and paper documents. Among the examples, we use honeycomb cardboard for our signage totems and tarpaulins made from recycled plastic bottles, and pay particular attention to the inks used for all our media.

Recyclage des bardages sur PV Paris
  • Recycling and limited use of carpets and cladding

For several editions of Première Vision Paris, we’ve been limiting the amount of carpet and cladding used. For the July 2024 edition, for instance, we chose to reduce the width of the carpet lining the aisles, and at the end of each show, our carpets are collected, recycled and transformed into granules for the plastics industry. To reduce waste, we also limit the use of cladding. When selecting suppliers, we give priority to those capable of offering re-use solutions. Thanks to one of our partners, the scraped cotton from our cladding has been reused to make insulating panels.

  • Document management

Thanks to our dematerialisation efforts, we have significantly reduced the volume of printed documents, from 7.38 tonnes in September 2018 to 1.25 tonnes in 2022. We also encourage visitors to use our app to find their way around the show and discover our full offer and services.

Actions Led by the Parc de Villepinte

Viparis, our partner and manager of the Paris Nord Villepinte site, is implementing various measures to reduce energy consumption, improve hall insulation and supply certified green electricity. In addition, the site offers recharging points for electric vehicles, composting of green waste, and donates unsold food from restaurants to food banks. On a lighter note, the park is also home to several beehives, nesting boxes and insect hotels, as well as an eco-pasture for several dozen sheep!

  • Les actions de notre prestataire nettoyage

“In 2018, Première Vison Paris was approached by Viparis to be one of the test shows for implementing selective sorting. Since then, we have been working with our cleaning service provider toward a zero waste objective.”

– Anne Fredet, Operation Director, Première Vision
Tri des déchets sur le salon PV Paris

The collaboration has intensified with the arrival of anti-waste regulations, pushing us toward rigorous waste traceability.

Tri des déchats sur le salon PV Paris
  • Actions during the setting up stage

We have set up a sorting system with dedicated carts for wood, plastic, cardboard and carpets. These eco-gestures are shared with all teams and service providers to ensure optimised waste collection.

  • Actions at the shows

At our events, we install sorting bins to improve waste collection. Our cleaning service provider sorts waste on a daily basis to ensure optimal recycling, and we also share skips with other trade shows for low-volume materials.

muto accompanies Première Vision Paris

“We’ve been working with Première Vision Paris on the reuse of its decor and sets for almost two years now. By involving muto, the organisers of this international show are making a dual ecological and social gesture thanks to the principle of solidarity-based reuse. All materials recovered during an edition are donated free of charge to associations and project leaders involved in sustainable initiatives. Following dismantling, we carry out an impact assessment of the operation, which today enables us to count over 22 tonnes of recovered materials – equivalent to 50 tonnes of avoided COemissions, no less!
Lastly, we closely monitor projects carried out by our beneficiaries, enabling us to keep track of the second life of materials produced by Première Vision.

– Léa Arbassette, Production Manager – muto event
Accompagnement de muto sur le démontage
Réutilisation des matériaux sur PV Paris

GL events Group: Committed to an Innovative and Dynamic ESG Policy

Première Vision joined the fashion division of GL Events in 2023. Above all, integration into this ecosystem enables PV to respond more easily to technical issues and share best practices. This includes finding recycling channels, pooling resources and optimising stock rotation.

Our employees are also encouraged to adopt eco-friendly actions (turning off computers and/or screens rather than leaving them on standby mode, switching off lights when leaving a room, etc.), and to find new ways of saving energy within their field of action. By adopting sustainable practices and collaborating with sustainability-oriented partners, we are working toward a more environmentally-friendly future while ensuring the success of our events.

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